Five Things to do before 2010

Dec 29, 2009 1 comments

1- Change your passwords:

Last day I came across a hacker's post in which he revealed that most of the websites still stored the passwords in TEXT files, without proper encryption methods.
He had just used the simple SQL injection method to fetch them, When I read this post, Insecure, I felt, Because I have always ignored Passwords even after knowing all the potential risks that might cause. So , This time I put it up in the list to create strong passwords for all my accounts , We have a lot of trusted password manager like keepass etc available over the internet either for free or cheap to help us create strong passwords and remember them (Be careful with the app you chose to use).

2- Write something in your Blog

I know almost everyone who read this do have a Blog accounts  registered, but would have left it aside due to several reason varying from lack of time to the "Writer's block" (As some like to call it), I used to face the same problem, I had registered this Blog last year, but did not scribble a thing in it, I didn’t really know what to write about .
till this December when I realized,
"If you want to start writing, you JUST have to start writing"

So Pick up a random topic and Just write... If you are just scared that it won’t come out good... For god sake you aren’t writing for The Tribunal or The Herald, It's just your personal Blog...You’d improve …Unleash the writer in you!

3- Clean your mail boxes from unwanted mails & spams

We'll I do admit I still have the Viagra for 1 cent Mails, and British Lottery Mails in my mail ,It's not that I don’t want to get rid of them , I just have been lazy to sit my ass down and delete the whole bunch of spams that consumes, Three-Fourth of my Mailboxes' size.

The same thing goes with the forward mail chains that we receive, we have lots of forward mails about love and friendship, feels like there is no room for hatredness and racism... (Sometimes I wonder- Why's all these are just limited to Mail-chains , Books and movies???) So the point is :we would have a bunch of silly jokes, romantic quotes, Friendship mails and Porn Clips, Clean up all those mails that you possibly can stay alive without. PLUS  Re-check your spam settings too!

4- Free up space in your laptop:
I do admit I’m not that organized, but sometimes I realize that and I start arranging my stuffs on the desk, and all. As far as I remember my laptop is a Mess… I have scores of Word File in my desktop, I have e-books that I have finished reading , I have movies that I have watched  many times  , and I have Songs that I would blow my brains if I listen to them one more time.
So what I am going to do is I 'm doing to sort My files and then burn all those stuffs that I am done with into a DVD . And Free some Gigs,

5- Unread Bookmarks

I am a Bookmark Junkie, I end up bookmarking almost everything I come across in the internet, I’m cool with that, cause that’s alright, most of us do that!!!, But the actual problem is , I never revisit my bookmarks. So when I open my Bookmarks tab in my browser, I have to scroll down a meter to find the site I'm actually searching for .So this goes up my list too, I’m going to make sure, I read all of it (Almost) and then delete the ones I dont really need …I am going to download the delicious bookmarking add on for mozzila , It's pretty cool you have to try it out too...(If you haven't yet)

I have a very cool year coming ahead. Wish you guys the same So Happy new year Guys!!!
