What's Up Tiger?

Jan 1, 2010 Leave a Comment

So the tiger woods is in the hot-seat, but one honest question?

Why do everyone make it look like Tiger woods is the only person on earth who has committed adultery...

Is it just because people like to watch the one of the most-paid sportsman step his down his ladder of pride and reputation.

Or is it because Woods actually lived their fantasies of banging eleven ladies (and counting) ?

What are they really pissed off by???

I am not advocating transgression or Woods... but just wondering how many of you out there has been really loyal to the ones you have loved, how many of you have never committed adultery even once, even in their thoughts?

All I want to say is that :

Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone

My mother always used to tell me this when I was a child "When you point one finger at anyone, you should always remember that there are three fingers pointed at you already"

So whats up Tiger; You still want to throw stones at  Woods!

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  • Aditya Nandode said:  

    But on serious note.

    The one who shall be caught, will be prosecuted.

    Cause, only then will others deter from committing same crime.

  • Ayreej Rahman said:  

    So... you mean to say, You would never think about commiting transgression, coz D Tiwari had an awesome threesome even at the age of 81 was causght redhanded?
